Start Your Retirement Off on the Right Foot

Retirement planning can be stressful because there are a lot of things to keep track of. One of the steps that often gets overlooked is announcing to your employer that you are going to retire. This may require writing a letter to explain your plans and goals for the future, while also choosing a date for your last day of work. It is a big step because it signifies the beginning of your retirement journey. So, to start your retirement off on the right foot, try taking some time beforehand to plan your announcement.

Before you start writing your letter and preparing your announcement, first make sure that you have qualified for all of your retirement benefits. This includes checking the amount of pension payments that you are eligible for, looking at your 401(k) plan, and thinking about when you will sign up for Social Security. Another important thing to consider doing before sending your letter, is making sure you have another form of health insurance to avoid any potential gaps in coverage. To help ensure that you are ready to receive your full retirement benefits, it may be a good time to talk with your trusted financial advisor about creating or updating your comprehensive retirement plan.

After ensuring that all your retirement benefits are in place, it is then time to begin deciding on a retirement date. The key here is to try and give enough time for the company to fill your position, but also to not give more time than is necessary. Some companies could start excluding you from events or important meetings, or even ask you to leave sooner than you suggested. So, make sure that you’re well-prepared to have this tough conversation.

One of the most important aspects of the letter to include is some lines expressing your thanks and appreciation. Giving positive feedback is important to display gratitude to the company and show respect for all they have done for you. This can also be an opportunity to highlight some of your achievements and successes as an employee. Adding this in can help to leave a more favorable impression on the company, so remember, this is not the time to complain or air your grievances with your employer.

As you write your letter, try to start thinking about your future plans and goals. Do you want to consider working part-time or consulting? Are you willing to train a new employee to help with the transition? If so, then you may want to try explaining this to them. Your company may appreciate it if you can come back to help in the busy season or mentor a younger employee. It is also appropriate to tell them why you are leaving. Whether this is to spend time with grandchildren, travel, or care for a family member, your coworkers will be excited to hear about what your future holds.

This is a huge milestone in your life, and it is important that you put thought and care into your decision so that you can start your retirement off on the right foot. But, before you decide to send your letter, you should talk with a trusted financial professional about your personal goals and financial plan for the future. We’ll sit down with you one-on-one to discuss your goals, and to help put you on the right path towards achieving them. Click HERE to contact us today and to request your complimentary, no obligation financial review!

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