Expectation vs. Reality: The Truth About Retirement Planning

Retirement planning

When we think of retirement, we often imagine endless days of relaxation, travel, and leisure. But how much of this is a dream versus reality? Today, we’ll explore why a realistic approach to retirement, inclusive of financial planning and the potential for unexpected challenges, is crucial.

Retirement Questions That Younger Generations are Asking

In this episode, we’ll share insights into the unique concerns that echo across the younger generations: Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z. They all face some different challenges and we’ll take you through a lot of those key questions today. If you missed our first episode on baby boomers, check out our last show to hear the pressing questions they are asking today.

Retirement Questions Every Generation Is Asking (Baby Boomers)

Each generation is currently navigating a unique part of the retirement planning experience. With many baby boomers preparing for the transition into retirement and the early half of Generation Z taking their initial steps into the career field, these major life events come with a handful of financial planning questions. Over the next few weeks, we’ll share insights into the unique concerns that echo across different age groups.

How Is Technology Redefining Retirement Planning?

Today we will unpack the toolbox of technology that’s promising to redefine retirement planning, but does it deliver? This episode takes a critical look at the wave of innovations, from personal finance management software to online calculators, and questions whether they truly simplify the planning process or introduce new complexities.

How One Overlooked Issue Can Sink Your Retirement

Imagine your retirement plan as a ship sailing toward a horizon of rest and relaxation. But what if one leak could sink it all? In today’s episode, we spotlight some of the single oversights that could send your dreams to the bottom.

Retirement Planning Is Different For Women: Here’s Why

As International Women’s Day approaches (March 8), it’s the perfect time to reflect on the progress women have achieved in the financial realm over the past century. Despite this, the path to retirement is not without its unique challenges for women, and it’s important to recognize the financial hurdles that they continue to face.

Will The Economy Boom Or Bust In 2024?

Everyone wants to know. Will the economy boom or bust in 2024? Join us as we explore a range of expert predictions, from the shifting trends in housing prices to the looming question of a potential recession or stock market crash.

Patience Pays: The Power of Delayed Gratification (Part 2)

Patience Pays: The Power of Delayed Gratification

Sometimes it’s hard to make financial sacrifices when the reward might not be seen until several years in the future. Today we’ll talk about some of the situations where you might be inclined to take the immediate benefit, when you should really consider the delayed rewards.

Patience Pays: The Power of Delayed Gratification (Part 1)

Sometimes it’s hard to make financial sacrifices when the reward might not be seen until several years in the future. Today we’ll talk about some of the situations where you might be inclined to take the immediate benefit, when you should really consider the delayed rewards.

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